Imagine yourself having trouble sleeping so you open this app to play a few games at 2:00 am. Its a free app so every game you have to view a static ad and close it to get to the next game. No big deal, right?
Except on the sixth ad, there is high volume music suddenly blaring across the bedroom. Frantic to shut down the music as it is sure to wake your spouse, you move to close the ad. Only on this ad, the "X" in the upper left hand corner is not there... you cannot close it you cannot stop the music so you are frantically pushing buttons on the ad... finally clicking through to the ad sponsors site where a loud voice-over now joins the music. Finally, you find a way to shut it down.
Result: Your spouse, who has an important meeting tomorrow, is wide awake and really angry. You are so amped up from the adrenaline rush that you will not get back to sleep for two hours. The only good news is that the makers is the app just got 20 cents from the ad sponsor by tricking you into clicking through to their site.
These people do not care about their users experience... just the ad revenue. Save yourself lots of grief and get another Solitaire App.